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5 Useful Tips for Web Design 2021

Building a website in this day and era has become extremely easy and quick. As you know, there are countless websites on the Internet. If you are designing a website to increase traffic for your business, then you need to read this article and learn about the 5 useful tips for web design to make your website stand out like no other. 

Let’s Start!

1. Homepage

The first tip for you would be the first thing your visitors normally see from your website which is your homepage. The trick to creating a quality homepage is actually simple, that’s right, the keyword is to make it “simple”. It takes only 0.05 seconds (less than a second) for your visitors to form an opinion and impression on your website, that is why your homepage plays an important role. 

Don’t worry about this fact, because you can actually use it to your advantage by being “simple”, here’s how:

  • Keep your homepage message obvious and straightforward, your visitors don’t have time to scan through long passages to find information
  • Focus on minimizing your designs, you don’t need too much image or colour scheme, just a few striking images designs will do 
  • Don’t squeeze your content and designs together, leave spaces where necessary to make it easy to read at first glance
  • Don’t forget to make your call-to-action (CTA) visible such as your sign up form, contact button or purchase button

2. Content

With the same concept as your homepage, your website content and information should be easy for your readers to read and understand. No need to play around too much with the words because there’s no point if visitors don’t read them or don’t stay on your website.

Font Tips:

  • Font Size: Overall your font size shouldn’t be too small which makes it unreadable. 16pt for your body text should be ideal while your title and subheadings can be bigger to draw attention.  
  • Font Type: Sans Serif is highly recommended for long texts, of course there’s many other aesthetic font types you can use. It is also advisable to not use more than three font types together in a website. Most importantly is that the font is clear and readable.

3. Design

Designing your website may be subjective and full of creativity, but it is actually a powerful tool to direct your visitors’ attention and lead them to where you want in your website. Here are some general reminders for your design layout to make it even appealing and attractive:

  • Highlights: These include your business brand, logo, your title and keywords, make them obvious by increasing their size and use striking colours. 
  • Layout placement: Try different layouts and choose one that directs your visitors’ attention to important call-to-action easily such as placing them at the center of your screen. 
  • Visibility: Increase visibility by applying sharp colours, utilizing color contrast and reasonable spacing for elements that you want to attract the most attention to.                                                             

4. Navigation

Your visitors should have an easy time navigating through your website after you have captured their attention. The next important step depends on user experience to decide whether they will continue to stay on your website. 

Here are some tips you don’t want to miss out:

  • Logo link to homepage: This feature has already been implemented by almost all websites, so it’s reasonable to do this as well or else your visitors may feel frustrated when it’s not available.
  • Visible menu: Your website menu is like a content page for a book, it acts as a directory for the whole website. The way you categorize your menu should be reasonable and clear, you don’t want visitors to leave your website because they couldn’t find the specific section in your menu. 
  • Navigation buttons: Don’t you love websites that save your time? Similar to the menu, if there’s a lot of content in a single website, offer content table links at the beginning so visitors can straight away move to the specific paragraph they are interested in. Include a “Return to top” button as well to speed up the process of scrolling around. 
  • Footer: Your website footer is the last thing your visitors will see in the end, you can include your call-to-action here again and provide contact details such as social media links for your visitors to take action. 

5. Mobile Friendly

Don’t forget the fact that a website doesn’t only have to be available on a computer screen. Your visitors may use all kinds of different mobile devices to browse your website as well. No matter the device, the user experience delivered should be the same with top quality.

  • Different versions and views: Mobile and desktop versions of your website may look different in terms of layout and font size so keep in mind to adjust accordingly. The mobile version tends to be simpler compared to the desktop version and the content size would be larger to fit the device screen.  
  • Testing: The only way to ensure mobile friendliness and user experience is to test it yourself. Imagine you are a website visitor, browse your own website on different devices and comment on it yourself. Ask yourself this question: Is this website attractive and easy to navigate? If you are not sure, browse other websites online and compare it to your own. 

You may realize that designing and building your own website may not be as easy as it seems because designing a website may be simple but designing a professional website takes time and practice to make it perfect. Thank you for reading up until the end and hope that you find these 5 web design tips helpful. If you want to learn more about the basics of web design, you can read from here.

No matter if you already have your own website looking for improvements or deciding to build a new website from scratch, Cloudix provides professional web design services following the latest trend. Consultation is FREE so feel free to whatsapp and contact us!

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