knowledge has a beginning but no end


5 Basics of Web Design You Must Know

Feels like every business nowadays has their own website. What’s all the hype about designing a website? Is it really that worth it? Well, let’s introduce the basics of web design to you, then you will find the answers at the end of the article.  

Let’s Start!

1. Preparing Content & Keywords 

Content development will be the first planning you have to make before you start to design your website. People usually search the internet for several reasons, it could be looking for information or it could be making a purchase.

Content comes in many forms. Besides the typical copywritings, feel free to include beautiful images, videos or quotes to make your overall website content richer and more informative. 

Your content in your website is also directly linked to the keyword research on the Internet. Pro Tip! When preparing content for your website, try to include as many keywords that people normally use when browsing the Internet. You can learn more about it here on Why Keyword Research Is the Most Important Part Of SEO & SEM?    

Imagine if a website is a human body, your content would be the bone structures. 

You need to stop using traditional and dull subject lines, instead feel free to try out different creative ones and see which ones work the best! You can already see examples of subject lines and titles in this article itself, did they capture your attention?

Remember! Your ultimate goal is for your recipients to click and open your email!

2. Designing to Make it Aesthetic

Now that you have your content, make it stunning! The human eye loves beautiful things. Imagine having a website that makes the visitor go “Yerrr, this website looks horrible…” or “I left the website cause it looks boring…”

The first millisecond a person lands on your website, the first element they see is of course your overall design, then only they will look for content and words.

Especially for a business website, your color scheme of your website serves as your branding as well. Don’t use colours that are too dull and don’t make it overly colorful which irritates the human eye. Just find the perfect balance, you will know it when you see it.

Even humans need make-up, so does your website!

3. Make it Interactive & Engaging

After attracting your visitors’ attention, the next step is for them to take action! Don’t forget, the purpose of your website is to help you generate leads and conversions.

Your website may feel like a machine with no feelings, but you don’t have to make it so. Interaction plays an important role in building relationships with your online visitors. It also helps to build trust towards your products or services.

Once you have a responsive and interactive website, only will your visitors be willing to leave their details for you to further contact them. If you can direct your visitors to take the initiative to contact you, even better!

4. Is it Friendly Enough?

Overall, is your website user-friendly enough? In other words, how easy is it for people to navigate around your website?

You are not challenging your online users whether they know how to use the website, instead it should be so simple to use that even a 5 year-old child or 60 year-old elderly is able to browse through it themselves without asking others for help.

Don’t be confused by the difference between having a user-friendly website and a poorly designed simple website with limited content in it.

Always remember the importance of making it easy and straightforward for online users. You definitely don’t want them to be frustrated due to the complexity of your website.

useful links such as your products, services or contact methods so your readers can easily navigate to your website or social media etc

5. Put it Out There and Show The World

Lastly, you now have to make your website be visible to everyone on the Internet. If you have followed all the previous steps up until here, you already have a website which is informative, stunning, interactive and user-friendly.

No point in having an awesome website which no one knows right? That’s where SEO and SEM comes into play. With more and more businesses starting to have their own website, the competition in the field of digital marketing is getting even tougher now.

Instead of scratching your head to learn about these technicalities, be smart and consult a digital marketing expert who can help you with your entire web design process so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Last Pro Tip! Your ultimate goal is for visitors to stay on your website as long as possible, that’s when you know your website is a successful one. In case you need professionals to help you out on your website, just contact Cloudix for your FREE Consultation

Web Design | Digital Marketing | Social Media