Web Design Agency in Kuala Lumpur

Sales Funnel

Cloudix Digital Agency Malaysia create stunning website design for all the corporates and businesses worldwide. Building the sales funnel that generates customer leads automatically.

Don’t you hate the feeling of following up your customers for so long but they end up with not purchasing anything in the end? The journey that customers go through until they make the official purchase is referred to as a “Sales Funnel”. There are four main stages to the funnel which Cloudix can easily help your business to extract meaningful insights and understand what customers are thinking in their mind at each stage.

Stage 1 : Awareness

Every customer starts by being aware of your business products or services. It can be through social media ads, through recommendations from past customers, through your online website or even through marketing campaigns. Cloudix provides your business with the best strategies to create awareness among your target audience to increase sales leads.  

Stage 2: Interest

Maintaining the interest of your new customers will be the next challenge that we can help you with. By analysing the strengths of your business and highlighting them, we guarantee you that customers don’t ever lose interest in your products and services after learning more about them.

Stage 3: Decision

This is the crucial stage where we help your business to give the final push to customers in making the right decision of placing their orders. We provide you with professional consultation to upsell your business like never before.

Stage 4: Action

After coming up with a decision, we help your customers to easily land the purchase through interactive user interface and user experience on your business website in order to secure the final deal. Even if they don’t make the purchase today, we make sure your business follows up with them correctly to ensure recurring revenue in the long run.

One Stop Services Provider

Web Design & Development

CLOUDIX is a top-notch web design company that designs stunning and visually appealing websites.

Social Media Marketing

CLOUDIX is your go-to scaleup social media specialist, delivering impact and expertise from scratch.

Google Ads & SEO

We are the ideal partner for small and medium enterprises looking to improve their online presence and visibility.

Corporate Branding

Our branding services not just making logos, also create professional brand identities for businesses.