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Post-pandemic Growth in Digital Marketing

Get involved in Digital Marketing or get left behind.

Look around. Things are gradually transitioning into a digital marketing world. In 2020, digital technologies such as AI technologies, video advertising, voice search and interactive content will be among the most prominent trends. 

Undoubtedly, many business establishments irrespective of their strengths or type of industry have been greatly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. This pandemic has caused an absolute standstill to a lot of sectors and many industries have been suffering terribly. 

Slowly, businesses’ new challenges were transitioning their workforce to online platforms. The coronavirus crisis may have a huge effect on businesses and jobs as well as health, but digital marketing may in fact take a great leap forward as a result of the pandemic.

Researches said that during these uncertain times there has been an increase of remote working and collaborative approaches, many companies have turned from traditional methods into digital channels and embraced transformation openly in order to resume their businesses. There was a real spike during the pandemic where more and more companies are opting to create websites, launching new channels and creating social media campaigns focused on workers at home.

Traditional marketing in the past can easily cost up to RM10-20k just to have a full page ad in newspapers. Not only that it is costly, there are many limitations to audience interaction and thus difficult to receive immediate feedback. Now that digital marketing is introduced to businesses, marketing budgets are cut while marketing objectives are achieved, a wider range of audience are targeted effectively and lastly it acquires real time stats where useful data are easily made available to business owners.

Bringing your marketing play toward digital is a no brainer, especially for traditional companies just resumed back to work. 

Take action now, or get left behind.

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