knowledge has a beginning but no end


How to Perform Email Marketing Like a PRO

Nearly 9 out of 10 marketers or simply 90% of marketers are known to engage in email marketing as one of their digital marketing strategies. Some of the obvious reasons would be to drive traffic to your beautiful and fantastic website and increase your sales leads. This article will teach you the secrets and how you can be the next Email Marketing master. Let’s dive straight ahead:

Let’s Start!

1.Your Email Subject Lines are Boring…

The first thing people will see from an incoming email is your subject line. It’s kinda like your cover and title for a book. An average person will receive tens or hundreds of emails everyday, so it’s natural and common that your email may not be opened, but that’s not what we want. 

How do you standout from all the emails? Your first job is creating an attractive subject line for your emails to hook your recipients into clicking them. No matter how good your email content is, what’s the point of it if it’s not being opened? 

You need to stop using traditional and dull subject lines, instead feel free to try out different creative ones and see which ones work the best! You can already see examples of subject lines and titles in this article itself, did they capture your attention?

Remember! Your ultimate goal is for your recipients to click and open your email!

2.Be a Great Storyteller

The best salesperson in the world is usually the greatest storyteller there is. Now that your recipients have opened up your email, you want to keep their interest till the end.

You are not a machine, so stop writing your emails like one. Share your personal stories on why the product or service you are trying to market is worth everyone’s money. The keyword here is “Personal”. 

Before you try to hardsell through your email, share something that your readers can resonate deeply with. Then only you can start to explain the benefits and solutions  you are offering. 

Make sure to always bring “Value” with each email of yours!  

3. Keep it Sweet

One mistake that email marketers tend to make is writing grandmother stories. When your readers see that your email is so long, they might just give up on reading it. 

People’s time is precious and you have to respect that. So try to bring as much value as you can while being sweet and concise. 

If you really have a lot to share, then break them up into many smaller topics and emails. Not only is it easier for your readers to absorb one simple topic at a time, you leave a sense of excitement for your next email.  

4. End Your Email with a Blast

Like mentioned earlier, you need to keep your readers interested until the end of your email. Even if they won’t straight away land a purchase with you, it’s totally ok!

Most importantly is that you have left a wonderful impression for your subscribers and bring maximum value to them.

Include these 3 things when ending your email:

Encourage to reply – This is your chance to make interactions and hear feedbacks directly from your target audience

Teaser – Make your readers excited about your next email by having a teaser on the next topic you would be discussing

Directing – Include useful links such as your products, services or contact methods so your readers can easily navigate to your website or social media etc

5. Practice Makes Perfect

Lastly, keep on testing and practising! Find out what works best for you and improve from there. It’s really just that simple to master email marketing.

If you find these tips to be helpful, feel free to share this article with your friends, families and colleagues so they can benefit from this too!

If you haven’t already started your email marketing journey and this topic really interests you, click on the “Get Free Consultation” button below and let us share more exclusive marketing strategies with you!

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