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keyword research

Keyword Research Can Be This Easy With This Cheatsheet!

You know what’s hard? Keyword research. It’s a pain in the neck, it’s time-consuming, and it can be really difficult to get right. But what if we told you that there was a way to make keyword research so easy even a monkey could do it? Well, there is! And we’re here to show you how. Here’s how to do keyword research in six simple steps:

1. Identify your target audience: Who are you trying to reach with your content? What are their interests and needs?

This will help you brainstorm the most relevant phrases and words to include in your keyword research. For example, if you’re an online marketing agency, these might be “marketing,” “advertising,” or “social media.” You can even add some related search terms like “digital marketing” or “content marketing” that aren’t directly tied to your business but are still relevant. Besides, you should also learn more about your target audience with Facebook’s Audience Insights tool. This free tool provides valuable information about the demographics of your audience, including age range, gender breakdown and location data.

2. Brainstorm keyword ideas: Generate a list of relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience might be searching for.

A good way to generate keyword ideas is to brainstorm by writing down a list of words, phrases and topics that are related to your business or the products or services you offer. If you’re an online marketing agency, for instance, this could include phrases like “how do I get more leads?” or “what is the best way to reach consumers?” These phrases can help you determine which keywords will have the best results for your target audience.

3. Find related search terms

Using a keyword tool like Google’s Keyword Planner to find more keyword ideas and gather data on search volume, competition, and estimated cost per click (CPC). These tools will show how many times people are searching for each phrase and give you an idea of how competitive each phrase is for ranking well in search engines such as Google or Bing Ads (formerly Microsoft). They also show how much competition there is for each term.

4. Evaluate search volume

Analyze the strength of your keywords to determine which ones have the highest potential to drive traffic to your website. This will tell you how many people are searching for that word, and how many competitors are bidding on it. You’ll also be able to see if the keyword is seasonal or seasonal, which can help you plan your content calendar.  You’ll want to look at things like:

– The number of searches per month for each keyword

– The level of competition for each keyword

– How relevant each keyword is to your business or industry

5. Assess keyword difficulty: Determine how you rank in your industry

Assess the competitiveness of each keyword by examining the number of websites ranking for it and the quality of those sites. If there are many websites ranking for a particular term, especially high-quality ones. That indicates that it’s a highly competitive keyword and may be difficult to rank for in the future. Keep this information in mind when creating content around these. You can also check if there are already paid ads for that keyword (you’ll see this information in Google AdWords). This will help you decide which keywords to focus on and which ones are too competitive for your website. 

6. Incorporate keywords into your content

Use the most relevant and high-potential keywords in your website content, meta descriptions, and page titles to optimize your pages for search engines and improve your visibility. Know which ones are important for ranking: Create an exhaustive list of potential keyword variations that you want to rank for, then prioritize them based on their search volume and difficulty level (or how difficult it will be for Googlebot to crawl them).

We hope that this cheat sheet will help you get started with keyword research and optimization, so that you can make more informed decisions about where and how to invest your time and resources.

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