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5 Reasons You Should Invest in Social Media Marketing

I believe that you’ve heard about how social media works in either online or offline business. But I am sure that you did not know why social media is that important in marketing, and what position it stands for your business to be successful. 

Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter act as one of the channels in digital marketing. It plays a vital role to reach the target audiences by interacting and engaging with them in a more direct way, hence we addressed it as Social Media Marketing. Recently, there are many companies looking at social media marketing as a huge opportunity and taking it more seriously in their business. 

At this moment, you would ask whether the money invested is worth it for your business? Why should I spend my budget on social media marketing?

Don’t worry. Today we have listed 5 reasons why you should invest in Social Media Marketing.

1. Create Brand Awareness

Before start marketing out your product or services, we must understand that people are not always ready to purchase your products or services by today, but they might buy it in the future. (You don’t know, right?) At this moment, is the time when we could outstand our brand and create impressions by sharing our journey, culture and story in social media. People who follow you on social media would know your latest update and expose your brand to their friends and family. When they really need your product or services, your brand will pop out in their mind, but not your competitor’s


2. It’s Where The Customer Are

Based on the latest data, around 56.8% of the world population are using social media and their average usage per day is around 2 hours 27 minutes (Wow, it’s a lot). They are not watching TV anymore, the ‘new TV’ is Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and more. This means that, to connect and reach your audiences, social media is fairly easy and high chances. 


3. Boost Traffic and Exposure 

Social Media such as Facebook and Instagram have massive exposure in online platforms due to its world accessibility. By using social media as a marketing tool, it brings high volume traffic and contributes to your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings. It also significantly reflects on social media content which leads to an increase brand impressions and overall digital footprints.


4. A Place to get Social Proof 

People want referral and recommendation before purchasing products and services from you. Where is the best place to look for referrals? Other than searching your website, people look for referrals on social media all the time to check social proof. They check on the number of followers and comments under the posts to value your business. People assume the more the number of followers, the larger the customer base you have. Hence, social media is a place to earn your customers’ confidence and trust. 


5. Develop Loyal Community

Social media is an online community that can help you to establish an emotional connection with your audiences. Listening to audiences by using social networks can help you respond to their specific needs, on the other hand, audiences can engage closely with your brand by giving feedback either in commenting under post or personal messaging. Two way communication helps a lot in increasing brand truth worthiness and correspondingly increase in sales and expand your customer base. Relationship between brand and audiences is essential for long term success.

Above are the 5 reasons why you should invest in Social Media Marketing. Do you still feel a little confused and need someone expert to explain more in detail? Get in touch with us! Our expert consultation is FREE

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